Once again, I’m returning to Brazil. This time I am teaching a Test Driven Development and Refactoring course for Teams that Innovate. As usual, I’m excited to be making the trip and I look forward to taking some time to catch up with some old friends and to make some new ones!
I’m also looking forward to returning to CAP/INPE on August 15, where I will be presenting a seminar on the topic “Taming Big Balls of Mud with Diligence, Agile Practices, and Hard Work.” This talk will examine the paradoxes that underlie Big Balls of Mud, what causes them, and why they are so prominent. I’ll explore what Agile Practices can help us avoid or cope with mud. I’ll also explain why continuous delivery and TDD with Refactoring is not enough to help ensure clean architecture and why it is important to understand what is core to the architecture and the problem at hand. Understanding what changes in the system and at what rates can help you prevent becoming mired in mud. By first understanding where a system’s complexities are and where it keeps getting worse, we can then work hard (and more intelligently) at sustaining the architecture. Additionally, I’ll talk about some practices and patterns that help keep the architecture/code clean or from getting muddier.
Saturday, August 16, I’ll be back in São Paulo, where I’ll be taking part in a Software Startups event at the University of São Paulo. As always, if you will be in the area, get in contact!