This past February I went to Japan for the AsianPLoP conference and toured around with a colleague. During this time we gave a tech talk to Rakuten. I am doing a follow-up and teaching a course at Rakuten on Test Driven Development (TDD) and Refactoring. I also plan on doing some sight seeing and visiting with some old and new friends. Additionall I’ll be giving a talk at a mini conference called XP Matsuri. The talk will dive into Taming Big Balls of Mud.
Also, on September 8th and 9th, I’ll be teaching a Pragmatic TDD course. Here’s the course description:
This course takes a pragmatic approach to Test Driven Development (TDD). We believe testing should be a fundamental, integral part of software development process including design and programming. By fundamental, we mean that doing testing well leads to better designs and programs. By integral, we mean that it is part of the normal day-to-day life of the programmer, not a burdensome task added at the end of the real work. Test Driven Development is not always done as Test First Development and it is core to know what to test vs what not to test. The course is a mixture of lecture, short readings, discussion, and labs. Attendees will writing acceptance criteria, functional acceptance tests unit tests. Core testing best practices will be examined included some advanced topics such as or organizing tests, test environments, continuous integration, and testing web services. Additionally testing techniques such as using Mock Objects and testing for different qualities such as performance and security are discussed. The attendees will read information about testing, learn the details of the techniques, and apply them in a group setting (preferably to systems they are currently working on).
Big thanks to Rakuten and the Agilergo Consulting group for asking me to teach the course.
I look forward to returning to Japan and meeting some new friends. I hope to find some really interesting places to visit and to learn more about the culture while I’m there. Of course since I love Japanese food I will spoil myself with Udon, Soba, Ramen, Sushi, Sashimi, and more!!!