Adaptive Object-Models and Metamodeling Techniques

- Workshop #6 @ Ecoop 01

- dead line for submission : april 17

- held on : monday, june 18

- location: room Mon -1.63/P48B, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary (Ecoop ws staff will provide a local map for the room arrangements later)


Associated Url:







Call for Papers


Adaptive Object-Models and other techniques such as Grammar-oriented Object Design, meta-CASE environment approaches or Reflection at the language level, address at least one of the two following problems:

-        Capturing [business] rules for user modeling and/or building [Domain] Specific Languages;

-        Building systems that need to change requirements and reflect those requirements as quickly as possible, i.e. runtime or dynamic adaptability;

What is generally common to these techniques is that they actually implement or use metamodeling principles through OO languages capabilities.


This workshop will focus on identifying, cataloging and comparing these techniques one towards another, and other similar ones that share common goals. We will also try to establish the conditions of use of these techniques, look at where they meet or overlap, and hopefully set some cross-fertilization ideas of benefit for each technique.


Workshop position papers should be 3-10 pages in length and should address one or more of the following:

-        Examples of the different techniques

-        Concrete development reports with lessons learned from them

-        Prerequisites or needs for each technique

-        Pros and Cons of the different techniques

-        Comparison of the different techniques showing overlapping and non-overlapping areas


Please submit position papers to the three organizers:;;

or simply to the alias:


Other Links








Declared participants


Workshop summary


 (develop all sections here)